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Adapt to in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+4Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: adaptradarcapturechaptercaptainput tofit tobutton
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91 Such a vaccine could protect people against an H5N1 bird flu virus that mutates to adapt to humans, not just birds, and easily can spread from person to person, Webby said.
92 To adapt to the reformation of retirement pension system, the enterprise should regenerate the pension accounting.
93 "The fact that Neandethals could adapt to new conditions and innovate shows that they are culturally similar to us, " Riel-Salvatore said.
94 Portable MP3 player generally adopts the nonvolatile storage chip to make the memory at present, the capacity is small, the unit has high costs, and does not adapt to play for a long time.
95 The telescope that took the picture is know as the New Solar Telescope which uses adaptive optics, parts that change to adapt to disturbances in the atmosphere and correct distortions in the signals.
96 The comparison is flattering. But I need to adapt to the style of play and to acclimatise over here.
97 On moisture gradient, the patience of bunchgrass stipa to water stress is more strong than rhizomatous grass, which shows Stipa plants more adapt to develop in the arid and semi arid areas.
98 What we will have to do is we will have to adapt to the meteorological conditions.
99 States are lumbering dinosaurs that take years to adapt to change.
100 To cut good paper first by expansion in the workshop, fully adapt to the environment.
101 The bookshelf concept is based on a modular system which makes it easy to adapt to the desired size and shape.
102 However, under the increasingly tough market competition, such integrative operational model is getting more and more difficult to adapt to the development of market economy.
103 George A. Bonanno, a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia known for his work on resilience (the reaction of the 85 percent of the population that does adapt to loss), was skeptical at first.
104 PLL frequency synthesizer with DDS reference will adapt to local oscillator of modern radio.
105 Information systems should flexibly and quickly adapt to variable requirements.
106 " As a Cuban(, my father was eager to adapt to his new environment.
107 With the constant acceleration of informational globalization, journalistic writing which is involved in the process of news spreading is unable to adapt to the situation.
108 In his great small book of the early 20th century, The Temptation of the West, Andre Malraux proposed that the question of the century would be: How will the Chinese adapt to individualism?
109 The interlayer dielectric materials with ultra low dielectric constant are researched to adapt to the development of the high speed and high density for ultra large scale integrated circuit (ULSI).
110 The lumped parameter method can adapt to estimating the pre-cooling time of Longan, which provides the foundation data and the theoretical basis for design of forced-air pre-cooling system.
111 Further elaborated:only those reporter-host with strong quality and modern concept that can adapt to the double option between media and audiences.
112 Autophagy is an evolutionary cell mechanism, which not only assists the cell to adapt to a variety of metabolic stress,( but also is involved in innate immunity and acquired immunity process.
113 Underwater horizontal gate is a new gate adapt to modern city landscape hydraulic engineering.
114 Animal welfare rule is vallum instituted by developed country, which is adapt to stockbreeder marketing.
115 What we will have to do is we will have to adapt to metrological meteorological conditions.
116 Some people want a fixed routine so that they don't have to adapt to new circumstances over and over again, while others think variety is the spice of life!
117 Our goal is to find an automatic roust detection method which can adapt to different scratch widths, locate the scratch region precisely, and differentiate scratch from straight edges.
118 Furthermore, the preparation method can also adapt to the forms of preparation in the modern society with fast rhythm, such as granules, tablets, capsules, pulvis, guttate pills and the like.
119 In fact, leaves may adapt to sun or shade as a result of acclimatization.
120 In practice work to improve language learning ability and the ability to adapt to work overseas.
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